
  1. Cloudy day. Overcast skies. Family. Children. Photo shoot… What to do? | New Jersey

    While most people love sunny days and bright skies on the photo session, some photographers prefer cloudy or overcast days. Outdoor photography normally depends on the weather conditions. A bright sun is hard to work with and can overpower any portraits or family pictures. But, the best light doesn’t necessarily…

  2. Tips for families before their photo session | New Jersey

    Sometimes a family photo sessions can be challenging for not only the family, but the photographer as well.   So… Here is a few tips for best family photo shoot results. 1. Choose your clothing carefully  Choose clothes that make you feel comfortable and attractive. Aim to achieve a preferable reflection…

  3. What to wear to the Fall Family Photo Session | New Jersey

    Fall is a great time for family photo shoots. The combination of soft light and contrasting colors with a predominance of warm yellow-red gamut gives wonderful shots. These family portraits can hang on your walls and delight you for years to come. Remember that the wrong choice of style and…

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